The Art Groups have been an amazing success and give
tremendous pleasure to not only the artists but also to their families. The
production of cards, calendars and art exhibitions has sent out some positive
messages that there is a life after a diagnosis of dementia and that life-long
learning, well-being and inclusion is all important.
Annabel Collenette leads the Milford and Lymington Art
Groups and Gilda Newsham MBE leads the Ringwood Art Group. Our Charity is run
totally by volunteers and all monies raised will go to developing the groups,
training for volunteers and carers and establishing more groups. We are always
looking for volunteers who are interested in art, it is very rewarding.
Due to the Covid 19 outbreake a decision was made in 2021 to to move the Ringwood art group to Fordingbridge.
Gilda Newsham MBE